There is a growing realisation of the importance of self-betterment and lifelong learning, with many working adults being eager to continue their formal education within institutions of higher learning. Now there is a way to leverage the years of experience that you may have amassed, that is evident within your knowledge, skills and competencies, and expedite completion of a university-level program of study

Accreditation of Prior Experiential Learning for Credit Award (APEL(C)) is a Ministry of Education initiative that allows Lincoln University College (LUC) students to gain credit for courses in a program if they are able to demonstrate the competencies matching the learning outcomes of a course(s). This can significantly shorten the duration of your studies at Lincoln University College.

The APEL(C) process assesses, recognises and awards credits for an individual’s prior experiential learning gained either through formal, non-formal or informal means by determining the extent to which the learner has achieved the required learning / competency outcomes for award of credit for a particular course.

If successful, students will be able to reduce the duration and cost of the program.

What are the benefits of APEL (C)?

Benefits of APEL(C) include:

  1. Recognise learning acquired through work experience, short courses attended or self-learning;
  2. Reduce redundant learning for students;
  3. Encourage admission of adult learners to higher education programs;
  4. Reduce cost and time to complete study;
  5. Allows Malaysia’s education system to be more flexible and compete with more advanced countries;
  6. Allows up to 30% credit transfer from your total credits;
  7. Encourages lifelong learning;
  8. Encourages the development of highly knowledgeable individuals who will be able to contribute to the nation’s development.
What is Prior Learning?

Apart from the conventional and formal classroom environment, learning can occur almost anywhere, in both informal or non-formal settings.

Non-formal learning

Non-formal learning is intentional and may be conducted in a structured and organised environment. This form of learning may not necessarily lead to a formal certification. Examples of non-formal learning include training, short courses, seminars, events that the applicant has attended.

Informal learning

Informal learning refers to the knowledge and skills acquired by the applicant based on his/her individual learning initiative. Sources of informal learning may include work and life experiences, as well as other activities such as reading, community work, hobbies, etc.

How do we Determine the Academic Value of Prior Learning?

There is a formal process instituted to determine the credit that may be assigned from prior experiential learning. The credit awarded is granted based upon an assessment of the knowledge and skills acquired, no matter how that learning occurred. The process determines if learning has in fact occurred and is in line with the learning outcomes of the course(s) concerned. It is the learning and not the experience of the learners which is being evaluated.

APEL for Credits Assessment

 The assessment of prior experiential learning for the purpose of APEL(C) will encompass the alignment of the experiential learning acquired by learners with the learning outcomes of a course within an existing program. The assessment also considers if the learning is aligned with the credit value of the course and level of the program.

For the APEL(C) assessment, learners can opt to undertake either a Challenge Test and/or submission of a Portfolio, depending on the nature of the course and upon advice by the appointed APEL(C) Advisor.

APEL(C) Process
Step 1 – Pre-Assessment

Before a learner decides to submit an application for APEL(C), the learner must know and understand each stage of the APEL(C) process and have realistic expectations of the possible outcomes of the application. All the general enquiries pertaining to APEL(C) shall be directed to the APEL(C) Centre/Unit.

If the learner decides to proceed with the APEL(C) application, Lincoln University College (LUC)  shall render appropriate support through an appointed Advisor. The Advisor will advise the learner on the appropriate mode of assessment to be undertaken for the APEL(C) application

The application process will require the applicant to complete a self-assessment exercise. Based on the self-assessment form and the report submitted, the Advisor will determine the learner’s eligibility and make an appropriate recommendation. Where the Advisor believes that the application is unlikely to succeed, the learner will be advised accordingly and the application process will cease. Otherwise, the application will proceed to step 2.

Step 2 – APEL(C) Assessment

For the APEL(C) assessment, learners can opt to undertake either a Challenge Test and/or submission of Portfolio depending on the nature of the course and upon advice by the appointed APEL(C) Advisor.

To satisfy the requirement of credit awards, the learner must be able to demonstrate an achievement of at least 50% of each Course Learning Outcome.

Step 3 – Credit Awarded

If the learner is successful in the APEL(C) assessment, the learner will be awarded with a Credit Transfer grade for the respective course.

Frequently Asked Questions
Am I eligible for APEL(C)?

APEL(C) is available to:

  • Malaysian & international students
  • Students registered with Lincoln University College (LUC)
  • regardless of mode of entry (formal / APEL(A)).
  • Postgraduate programs:- limited to only courses in programs conducted via coursework and mixed modes.
Should I apply for APEL(C)?
  • Do I want my prior learning to be recognised?
  • Do I have the skills, knowledge, and prior learning relevant to a university course?
  • Do I have evidence to support my prior learning?

If your answers are YES to any one of the above questions, then you should apply for APEL(C).

Is there an age limit for APEL(C)?

No, unlike APEL (A), there is no age requirements for APEL (C).

Do students who apply for APEL(C) have to take an examination to be awarded a credit transfer grade?

No, not necessarily. Assessments are dependent on the type of field and course you are applying for. Besides an exam, interviews, portfolios and demonstrations of skills and knowledge are sometimes used as forms of assessment.

What is the maximum credit transfer allowed under APEL(C)?

The maximum credit transfer allowed under the APEL(C) program is 30% of your total graduating credits. However, students who have had both formal education and working experience can apply for 30% APEL(C) credit transfer and 30% formal education credit transfer. For example, a student with a relevant diploma and work experience can apply for 30% APEL(C) credit and 30% formal education credit when enrolling in a degree course. 

When was APEL(C) launched?

This program was launched in September 2016

How to apply for APEL(C)?

Come drop by the Lincoln University College (LUC) APEL Centre at :

Wisma Lincoln,
No. 12-18, Jalan SS 6/12,
47301 Petaling Jaya,
Selangor Darul Ehsan,

Or email us at: enquiry_apel@testing.lincoln.edu.my (email will automatically cc to :

Alvin Lee – alvin@testing.lincoln.edu.my

Kosheila Ramuni –  kosheila@testing.lincoln.edu.my

Mr. Siva – sivagnana@testing.lincoln.edu.my

For more information
Where can I obtain more information?

Information on APEL(C) can be obtained from the following official website: https://www2.mqa.gov.my/APEL/

How to Apply?

Tell us a little about yourself and we’ll help with the rest. Our convenient online application tool only takes 10 minutes to complete.

After you submit your application, an admissions representative will contact you and will help you to complete the process.

Once you’ve completed your application and connected with an admissions representative, you’re ready to create your schedule.