Faculty of Innovation and Sustainability Development

The Faculty of Innovation and Sustainable Development at Lincoln University was founded under the framework and backdrop of the “United Nations 2030 Agenda for Sustainable Development” and the “United Nations Global Action Programme on Education for Sustainable Development (GAP)”, led and established personally by the president of Lincoln University in Malaysia. It serves as a multidisciplinary and cross-domain research platform and education and training center. Its purpose is to integrate educational and scientific research resources both within and outside Lincoln University, as well as internationally, to cultivate internationalized and compound elite talents equipped with innovative thinking and the concept of sustainable development. This is aimed at addressing various global challenges such as poverty and hunger, clean water and sanitation, health, education, climate change, marine and terrestrial ecosystems, etc., promoting the achievement of a balance and coordination of technological and economic development, social progress, and environmental protection globally, and facilitating the establishment of resource sharing, global project collaboration and partnerships, as well as high-quality interactive platforms for sustainable development within the global framework, thereby contributing to promoting innovation and global sustainable development.

The position of the faculty’s Dean is concurrently held by the university president. Professor Dr. Zoensek Junxi Lea, an internationally acclaimed expert in the fields of technological economy, innovation management, and sustainable development, has been appointed as the Executive Dean, responsible for international development. Mr. Zheng Xinyu is now appointed to hold the role of Vice Dean to support Dr. Lea’s relevent taskforce. Ms Wendy JY Xie, who studied in the UK and a renowned expert in education quality control, has been recruited as the director of education quality to comprehensively supervise the management of education quality. The college integrates the knowledge systems of industry, academia, research, government, and business. It builds sustainable development education programs and curriculum systems centered around strategic planning, smart technology, and cross-border innovation, providing all-round sustainable development research, planning, management consulting, certification services, and educational exchanges for governments, non-governmental organizations, enterprises, colleges and universities, teachers, and students,etc. Furthermore, on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the establishment of diplomatic relations between China and Malaysia and the China-Malaysia Friendship Year, the College of Innovation and Sustainable Development actively undertook the construction of the “Chinese Student Service Center” of Lincoln University, becoming the first international high-level university in the Asia-Pacific region built by a foreign university outside China with a directly affiliated Chinese student service center. FISD is also supervising the China Doctorate Alumni in Business, Economics and Management, guiding English language training and culture exchange programmes. The school appointed Ms. Han Yan, a Chinese assistant to the president who traveled to Malaysia, a representative of Chinese affairs, and an expert in student work, as the director of the center, fully promoting the service work for Chinese international students and committing to cultivating internationalized and compound outstanding talents based in China and Malaysia and having a global reach, contributing to inclusive economic globalization and jointly building a peaceful, stable, prosperous, and symbiotic Asian homeland.



学院下辖研究生教育中心、技术经济研究中心、组织经济研究中心、可持续发展研究中心、国际交流中心和中国博士校友会,代管中国留学生服务中心、语言文化交流与培训中心。院长由大学校长Dr. Amiya院士兼任,聘请国际知名技术与组织经济、创新管理和可持续发展领域专家Dr. Zoensek Junxi Lea教授担任执行院长,负责学校国际发展与创新学院管理工作,全球知名教育专家,英国雷克瑟姆大学亚太区总监Richard Teng教授担任学术副院长, 旅英华人,著名教育品质控制专家Ms Wendy JY Xie担任教育品质总监,全面督导教育品质管理工作。学院将产学研政商的知识体系联动融合发展,围绕战略规划、智慧科技、跨界创新等构建可持续发展教育项目及课程体系,为政府、非政府组织、企业、院校、师生等提供全方位的可持续发展研究、规划、管理咨询、认证服务及教育交流等。同时,在中马建交五十周年、中马友好年之际,创新与可持续发展学院积极承建林肯大学“中国学生服务中心”,成为亚太地区首个中国境外高校建设直属中国留学生服务中心的国际高水平大学。学校任命旅马华人校长助理、中国事务代表、学生工作专家韩燕女士担任中心主任,全面推进中国留学生服务工作,为培养立足中马、辐射全球的国际化复合型优秀人才,为普惠包容的经济全球化、合力建设和平安宁、繁荣共生的亚洲家园贡献力量。




Up to 80% Scholarships are provided for outstanding local and international students who demonstrate academic excellence, high intellectual capacity and strong character.


Flexible Study Mode

LUC is utilizing technology for conducting flexible study mode for its students which help them pursue their studies beside their other interests.


Instalment plans

LUC has made it easier for students to pursue their dreams and empower them to be able to compete in the job market by providing a wide range of instalment plans that help them pay their tuition fees on batches.

Scholarship Programs

At Lincoln University College (LUC), we prepare you to launch your career by providing a supportive, creative, and professional environment from which to learn practical skills, build a network of industry contacts, and gain real-world experience.